The Biogrid Diabetes Database is a diabetes specific electronic medical record which has been developed specifically for use in a public hospital diabetes clinic. It is utilized at every occasion of clinical service from any member of the multidisciplinary diabetes team to provide information on the patient’s clinical information (diabetes type, duration, visits due, treatment – diabetes and non-diabetes medications, insulin pump settings, pregnancy and complications screening and surveillance). A summary of the clinical occasion of service and management recommendations can be inserted into a clinical notes section. This serves as information for the next health provider who sees the patient and can be inserted into a GP letter. Relevant pathology can be downloaded automatically or entered manually. The system can produce pathology, progress notes, diabetes summary, LMO letter and insulin pump summary reports.
The Database system is also used for a number of other purposes including:
(1)Recruiting for research clinical trials according to prespecified patient requirements,
(2)Quality assurance collections of data such as the ANDA dataset,
(3)Research on aspects of diabetes care and treatment and
(4)Quality and outcomes surveillance of the clinic.
Use of the Biogrid Database in multiple Diabetes Centres in Australia will provide unique opportunities for research and quality improvement across the country.