Poster Presentation Australian Diabetes Society and the Australian Diabetes Educators Association Annual Scientific Meeting 2014


Helen Phelan 1 , Kim Donaghue 2 , Fergus Cameron 3 , Andrew Cotterill 4 , Jenny Couper 5 , Helen Clapin 6 , Elizabeth Davis 6 7 , Craig Jefferies 8 , Timothy Jones 6 9 , Elaine Tham 5 , Maria Craig 2
  1. John Hunter Children's Hospital, Newcastle, Australia
  2. Children's Hospital at Westmead, Sydney, Australia
  3. Royal Children's Hospital, Melbourne, Australia
  4. Mater Children's Hospital, Brisbane, Australia
  5. Women's and Children's Hospital, Adelaide, Australia
  6. Princess Margaret Children's Hospital, Perth, Australia
  7. Telethon Kids Institute, Perth, Australia
  8. The Starship Children's Hospital, Auckland, New Zealand
  9. Telethon Kids Institute, Perth

Paediatric centres across Australia and New Zealand are working towards the development of a longitudinal database that will include the majority of children with diabetes in Australasia:  the Australasian Diabetes Data network (ADDN). In 2015 it is proposed that this will be extended to include adults. ADDN aims to facilitate data sharing and build capacity in clinical service delivery and research. As the participant numbers grow ADDN will become an invaluable tool, providing broad data and enabling benchmarking against national outcomes. ADDN currently includes n=1064 participants with type 1 diabetes (T1D). We report the clinical data of those aged 15-19 years (n=399) and ≥ 20 years (n=34) with T1D. Almost all (97%) were managed on intensive insulin therapy:, continuous subcutaneous insulin infusion (CSII):, 51% (5-19 yrs) and 50% (≥20yrs), and multiple daily injections (MDI): 46% (5-19 yrs) and 47% (≥20yrs). Distribution of HbA1c:


From these preliminary results, it is clear that a large proportion of young people are not meeting recommended glycaemic targets1 despite the high use of intensified insulin therapy. Further research including both cross-sectional and longitudinal analyses of the ADDN dataset is needed to examine the influence of different practices and therapies for T1D in Australian youth, and to determine the clinical and demographic predictors of glycaemic control. Inclusion of young adults (18-30 yrs) will provide important information as to the outcomes of transition. This research will have major implications for resource allocation and will provide an evidence base to inform health policy. 

  1. 1. Craig ME, Twigg SM, Donaghue KC, Cheung NW, Cameron FJ, Conn J, Jenkins AJ, Silink M, for the Australian Type 1 Diabetes Guidelines Expert Advisory Group. National evidence-based clinical care guidelines for type 1 diabetes in children, adolescents and adults, Australian Government Department of Health and Ageing, Canberra 2011.