Adrian J.L Clark
Adrian Clark graduated in medicine in 1976 and, after training in general internal medicine, worked as registrar in endocrinology at Hammersmith Hospital and as research registrar at the Unit for Metabolic Medicine at Guy’s Hospital. He then trained for five years in molecular biology and receptor biology at the National Institutes of Health in the USA, before returning to the UK to take up a Senior Lectureship in molecular endocrinology at St Bartholomew's Hospital in London. He later became Professor of Medicine in 2001 and Deputy Director of the William Harvey Research Institute at Barts. His research has centred around disorders of the pituitary adrenal axis and especially the genetic basis of adrenocortical failure where he and his group have discovered a series on novel genetic mechanisms. In 2012 he was appointed Dean of Research and Enterprise and Deputy Principal at St George's University of London. He is also the current Editor-in-chief of the Journal of Endocrinology and the Journal of Molecular Endocrinology.
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